Sunday, November 10, 2013

Flight 0333 to McAllen, Tx: Linked In and the Multi-Dimensional Professional

In addition to being a Consultant who lives out of a TravelPro carry-on, I consider myself to be a blogger, event & logistics coordinator, and a socialista. I was recently revamping my LinkedIn profile to reflect my recent experience, and at the end it felt very one dimensional. LinkedIn is a professional profile, but it does not come close to capturing a complete view of my experiences or future interests.

Now I am reflecting on what it means to be multi-dimensional person in the cyber world. Do I have to have pinterest for one interest and Instagram for another? Where is it appropriate to show you have a personality beyond the world of Operations Consulting without giving constant updates on the foods I am eating and my entire social life? Where do I express my views about the role of Analytics in organizations, successful networking, or wedding planning invitations? Do all of my interests have to go into neat and separate boxes? Do I not know how to use LinkedIn?

How I feel about maintaining my social networks.

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