Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Flight 2323 to O'Hare: Thankful for Google and Gogo InFlight...

I am spending my last hours of work before the Thanksgiving holiday making sure that boxes on a presentation are perfectly aligned. Instead of being frustrated by the monotonous task, I have decided that I am practicing my skills as an artist. For every box that is aligned with the box before, after, and above, there is a beautiful business process that is on it's way to masterpiece.

...If we get buy-in from business stakeholders that the process is needed.

...If the recipients of the perfectly aligned box communication open or read their emails before the Thanksgiving holiday

Thoughts motivated by the quote below on the very awesome Google Black Talent webpage.

...Now what to do about aligning the decision rhombi?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Flight 0333 to McAllen, Tx: Linked In and the Multi-Dimensional Professional

In addition to being a Consultant who lives out of a TravelPro carry-on, I consider myself to be a blogger, event & logistics coordinator, and a socialista. I was recently revamping my LinkedIn profile to reflect my recent experience, and at the end it felt very one dimensional. LinkedIn is a professional profile, but it does not come close to capturing a complete view of my experiences or future interests.

Now I am reflecting on what it means to be multi-dimensional person in the cyber world. Do I have to have pinterest for one interest and Instagram for another? Where is it appropriate to show you have a personality beyond the world of Operations Consulting without giving constant updates on the foods I am eating and my entire social life? Where do I express my views about the role of Analytics in organizations, successful networking, or wedding planning invitations? Do all of my interests have to go into neat and separate boxes? Do I not know how to use LinkedIn?

How I feel about maintaining my social networks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013