Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thoughts of Snow

Yesterday, I thought about snow all day long. Large banks of snow in a mountain range far away from the rolling hills of Georgia. In July, this may be a tad bit strange. I should be excited for sun, outdoor adventures, and conversations until the sun sets just after 9 pm. To my defense, the excessive rain in Atlanta, and every other place in the country I’ve visited this summer, is putting a damper on the July sunshine.

But yet, I was envisioning a mesa packed with cold, fluffy snow.

The view from the gondola in Snowmass.

This means I am feeling overwhelmed. When I am stressed, I usually daydream about places that have opposite characteristics of where I am currently. I crave a different climate, food, accent, and land form. The opposition creates an escape that calms me. It is as if being somewhere else will make a difference in my life.

It won’t.

So today, I am focusing on gardens. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, flowers, and other things that blossom with rain. In July. In Atlanta. Where I am now. 

My very first cucumber plant from last season.

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